Keeping a food diary, in which symptoms are also recorded, is very important when searching for an intolerance. Whether histamine intolerance, lactose intolerance or fructose malabsorption. We made such diaries available for download as PDFs back in 2005. Then came the symptom diary app (video in the link), which we unfortunately had to discontinue for cost reasons … to the chagrin of many sufferers. And then there were the nutrition and symptom diaries that we sell as “real” books on Amazon. These little books are also getting on in years. We have repeatedly received input and suggestions for improvement in this regard, which we have now finally incorporated.
Symptom diary – all new
This is why the third edition has now been published by MZK Verlag , albeit as a completely new book. It therefore counts as a 1st edition. However, we have incorporated a number of suggestions and the result is now available on Amazon. The new symptom diary is nicer, but also a lot bigger. Originally, the small paperback format was intended as an aid, as you could quickly slip the booklet into your jacket pocket. But apparently that’s not what people want, because we kept getting emails asking us to make a larger, bound food diary. We were happy to comply with this request.

More space to write in the food diary
There is now also more space for writing. A single day comprises six pages. First you can document the food, then the symptoms and bowel movements on the following pages. And on the next two pages you can reflect on the day. You are also given tasks there, e.g. setting yourself goals for the next week.
At the end of the week: recap
And after each week there is a summary. You can reflect on the week, write down what is good for you and what you cannot tolerate, you can strengthen yourself positively and tackle the coming week with vigor.
The Nutrition and Symptom Diary is available in hardback and softcover and I hope it will help readers get a grip on their diet. The small, handy booklets remain on the market in case someone needs something for their jacket pocket.
A diary like this is also recommended during the elimination phase!